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JUNIMA <info@junima.org> Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:25 PM
Subject: Call for proposals - small advocacy grants for ICPD beyond 2014
To: Shen <
[Dear JUNIMA network, please find below a call for proposals from International Planned Parenthood Federation. Deadline is 4 August. Inquiries can be directed to songsfund@ippf.org] IPPF small grants facility: Taking the ICPD beyond 2014, to position SRHR and the priorities of the ICPD in the next development framework Call for Proposals 2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). 2015 is the year the successor to the Millennium Development Goals will be negotiated and adopted. The outcome of these processes will greatly impact future Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) policy, funding and programming priorities at global level and at national level. The on-going ICPD review offers a unique opportunity to review the evidence base, and find out where gains have been made and work needs to be done in terms of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and to make sure these are at the core of our asks for the next development framework. It also offers the opportunity to convene and mobilize civil society (CS), to work with governments to make sure SRHR is positioned at the centre of policy priorities for national governments and their positions in regional and global negotiations. Particularly those connected to the post 2015 development framework. CS has a critical role to play in influencing government priorities and positions for these negotiations. To ensure that CS engagement in these processes is strong, meaningful and has impact IPPF is launching a funding facility and between now and 2015 to support CS engagement in these policy processes. The first round of proposals are open to CSOs working at national or regional levels in South, East, and South East Asia, Africa including North Africa, and the Middle East, and Central Asia. The maximum grant amount for all grants is $9,500. For CSOs based in Central Asia it is $10,900. All grantees must provide 10% match funding. Multi- partner applications are welcome. Successful applications must demonstrate one or more of the following: - A clear plan to communicate positive messages about SRHR to governments who are sending delegations to global policy events;
- A clear plan to participate in government delegations at global policy events and do follow up advocacy at the national level to ensure national follow up of global policy debates. Global policy events can include: the Open Working Group for the Sustainable Development Goals, Regional Population Conferences for the ICPD, Regional population conferences in 2013, the 2013 MDG Special Event, Commission on Population and Development and the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) 2013/14 for the Millennium Development Goals and the ICPD beyond 2014 process;
- Have defined a clear plan for follow up work on accountability and transparency over the following 12 months, at national level.
If a CSO has a seat on the government delegation at a global policy event where SRHR is on the agenda, a portion of the funds can be used to support travel to the meeting. To apply review the application guidelines and complete the application form. Submit the form and related documentation to songsfund@ippf.org by midnight GMT+1/BST, 4 August 2013 Applications are accepted in English or French Sarah Shaw ICPD project manager IPPF 4 Newhams Row London SE1 3UZ UK Source: IPPF | |
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沈婷婷 Shen Tingting
亚洲促进会 Asia Catalyst
全球基金发展中国家代表团成员 Member of Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Board of Global Fund
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