大家好! UNAIDS关于新青年领导力战略的线上和线下咨询已经基本结束。目前,UNAIDS面向全球招7位青年人,参与新青年领导力战略的在线撰写。以下是具体的招募信息,请大家广泛散发。并且鼓励有兴趣的青年人申请。 祝好 勉丽萍
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: CrowdOutAIDS <socialmedia@unaids.org> Date: Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 6:11 AM Subject: Be a member of the CrowdOutAIDS online drafting committee! To: Prateek < lettruthprevail@gmail.com> Be part of the online group who will draft the output document of CrowdOutAIDS! | | | | CrowdOutAIDS Drafting Committee - Call for applications The CrowdOutAIDS online and offline forums are coming to an end; we are making preparations for the next phases to transform discussions into an actionable strategy. We are analyzing all the fantastic input and will turn this into a survey which will be sent back to participants to validate the findings of the forums. In the final step of CrowdOutAIDS, an independent drafting committee will be selected to collaboratively author the outcome document of the process via online tools and live drafting sessions. The drafting committee will be made up of 7 “editors.” The purpose of the drafting committee is to objectively reflect on the various outputs from the CrowdOutAIDS process and put together a clear, concise, actionable plan together with key definitions and principles that UNAIDS should adhere to when working with young people. We are now calling for applicants to be part of this exciting drafting committee – interested? Keep reading! Scope of work - Adhere to the principles of the CrowdOutAIDS process including transparency, openness, inclusiveness and youth-led.
- Read all background materials and analysis of input carefully, and participate in briefing calls with the CrowdOutAIDS team.
- Objectively represent the outputs of the CrowdOutAIDS process.
- Take the lead in drafting at least one section of the CrowdOutAIDS outcome document, and provide constructive feedback to other sections.
- Integrate comments via the chat function in the online drafting application from the CrowdOutAIDS participants.
- Post each final section of the CrowdOutAIDS outcome document to one of the CrowdOutAIDS online forums for validation. For some forums this will require translation of the section into the forum language and translation of comments to English.
- Synthesize and incorporate comments from the online forums into the English collaborative document.
- Mobilize young people in your networks to take part in the CrowdOutAIDS process.
Time commitment - Writing process will take place during the last two weeks of January, from 20-40 hours each of the two weeks.
- Available for several live drafting sessions, and reporting on the work of the drafting committee to the CrowdOutAIDS online forums, including some translation.
Inclusion criteria - Active involvement in CrowdOutAIDS
- Under 30 years of age
- Fluent English speaker and writer, with at least one of the following languages considered an asset: Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and/or Portuguese.
- Proven ability to remain neutral and objective
- Previous experience with collaborative document authoring considered an asset
Additional selection principles - Gender balance and equity
- Regional balance
- Key populations at higher risk and young people living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply. The selection process will be confidential
Independence To ensure the independence of the drafting committee, members will work on a voluntary basis with the CrowdOutAIDS participants as their key constituency Selection process - Send your CV and a motivation letter (of maximum 300 words), in which you answer the following questions:
a) How have you been involved in CrowdOutAIDS so far? b) Why should you be selected as a Drafting Committee member? c) In your opinion, why is it important for the drafting committee to remain independent? - Seven online drafting committee members will be selected
- The final selection of the drafting committee will be made by the 9th of January 2012 by a selection committee consisting of:
a) One moderator from the online CrowdOutAIDS forums (in consultation with the other moderators) b) A representative from the External Working Group made up of members of global youth networks working on AIDS. c) A CrowdOutAIDS project team member (UNAIDS staff) Send your application before January 2, 2012 to NGL@unaids.org. The final selection will be made by January 9, 2012. Good luck and happy holidays for the CrowdOutAIDS team! | | | | Copyright © 2011 UNAIDS, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you signed up to the CrowdOutAIDS campaign on our website. Our mailing address is: | | | | | | ![]()
------------------------------------------------------------------- Prateek Awasthi ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Liping Mian member, China youth coalition for sexual and reproductive rights tel: +86 134 666 44669
新浪微博 @艾博法律热线 (AIBO Law Hotline):
15501137876 ——受艾滋病影响人群就业、就医和隐私权保护法律咨询专线
18639228639 ——性工作者药物依赖者法律咨询专线
★China Youth HIV/AIDS Assembly (CYHAA) 共享网盘:
http://oeo.la/I4gf8 -~----------~----~----~----~-
“China AIDS Group中国艾滋病网络”
A:论坛发帖,请发电子邮件到 chinaaidsgroup@googlegroups.com
B:退订此论坛,请发邮件至 chinaaidsgroup-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
C:Contact: Chang Kun 13349108944 changkun2010@gmail.com
http://chinaaidsgroup.blogspot.com ——空腹健身运动:
http://www.HungerStrikeforAIDS.org ——艾滋人权 AIDS Rights:
http://www.AIDSrights.net ——为艾滋病防治努力一生:
Http://www.changkun.org ★ 凡是挑�、��、非理性、�於情�性、胡�批�和�意�之言�,或是匿名人士之言�,以及所�表意�出�有不雅、粗鄙之文字等,本�件��不予以�示!
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